Wednesday, April 20, 2005


剛說的話, 好像先前有提起過. 原來是從犯的錯. 好差勁喔.

至於你你和你, 你們知道自己是誰.謝謝你們. 我好多了.

(但是我知道, 我的難過, 不可能會是她的萬分之一.)


想一想. 你最后一次與她面對面促膝長談, 已是多久前的事? 最近她怎么了, 你又知道嗎?

我今天才發現關於她的好多事. 今天才發覺, 自從兩年前, 就很少跟她來往. 她的近況我也是從emily那兒聽說有些不對勁才向她質問. 對於我的忽略, 我無言以對. 只能說對不起, 並答應自己, 不能再忽略下去.

事情又怎么會是如此意想不到呢? 世上怎么會有這麼誇張的事? 又為何會發生在她身上呢?

不高興的事情, 只要一件事, 似乎就能抵消所有快樂的事.


在最近的演出, 我找到了几位知心.

我想, 這值得慶祝吧.

但不知怎地, 現在就是沒法高興起來.

Sunday, April 03, 2005


changed the timezone setting of this blog. zzz. blogger is too clever for itself... it changed ALL the dates and times of my previous blogs too... after i manually changed them every time i blogged. so now all the dates are messed up. the blog that says a year and two days ago is dated one day into the future, and my monthsary date is 11th. bleargh. sian.

but nvm, at least all of my future blog entries will be correct.

just went on a downloading spree just now. downloaded like how many guang liang songs just now... tong hua is such a sweet song... oh my gosh. i heard it, and i felt like crying... so sweet and touching... haiz *flops*

came back from chalet today, with kelvin and his b'baller friends. this morning, at 2+ am, we went to old changi hospital. quite creepy, the place... it was like the perfect setting for a horror movie. the only thing is, it's prolly not gonna be scary, because the whole place is so aura'fied with the horror thing that you'll expect any paranormal phenomenon. horror movies are scary because the scares come in the least expected way. anyway. that place is pretty interesting to visit. dudn't get to see much, because the group was simply too big, and there were too many differing opinions as to what to do, where to go. so ended up a lot of pple very sian, esp since there were some pple who came along, but were obviously not in the mood to hang around any single place for long, so the exploration was hideously cut short. i swear, i'm going to go back there one day.

and there was this red mansion we saw but didn't go in. they say it's creepier than the old changi hospital. apparently, kelvin's friend's amulet cracked there O_o think many of the OAC girls will just die at the entrance, before they even enter... miao. there'll be no kick if you're going to someplace at night, and you already know where you're going, and what to expect to see... the cool part of it is when you have zero idea of what's going to pop out at you... haha. but i think if you put me in old changi hospital alone for one night, i'll prolly freak myself out by losing my way. haha. then maybe i'll find the lost basement and chimney v^_^

anyway, prior to the chalet was the OAC barbecue. at jieying's brother's condominium. haha, moo moo cow embarrassed himself la, silly. went to swim without his undergarments, in a pair of white translucent boardshorts that ceased to exist after it got wet... so rather disgusting la... haha, thankfully, his yellow shirt was long enough... bleargh...

have i told you that tong hua is such a nice song? *swoons* go listen to it, everyone!!! miao.